Tropical Smoothie Bowl

Jennifer Huddy, MS, RD

By Jennifer Huddy, MS, RD

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5 from 2 votes

This tropical smoothie bowl is tangy, sweet, and bright―it’s sure to add a smile to your day! The quick and easy recipe is vegan and gluten-free. Enjoy this mango and papaya smoothie bowl as a healthy breakfast or snack option.

Smoothie Bowls are a fun way to get some fresh produce into your mornings! Start off with the same base and customise your bowls into one of my 3 recipes! Top them will all sorts of great ingredients and enjoy your colourful smoothie bowl in the morning!

Enjoy a taste of sunshine by making this easy tropical smoothie bowl! Bright flavors of papaya, mango, and banana make up the base of this beautiful recipe. Add a satisfying crunch with this tropical granola recipe!

Smoothie bowls are a great way to meet your recommended daily servings of fruit while boosting your immune health. This tropical smoothie bowl is rich in vitamin C, potassium, fiber, and vitamin A. 

Add some protein to make it a balanced breakfast, or enjoy this smoothie bowl on its own for a snack. This simple but tasty recipe will be sure to put a smile on your face!

What is a Smoothie Bowl? 

You may have seen smoothie bowls on the menus of upscale brunch spots, but did you know you can easily make them at home? All you need to do is add your smoothie ingredients to a blender but add much less liquid than you are used to. This makes the smoothie very thick so you can load it up with yummy toppings and eat it with a spoon!

Smoothie bowls in 3 different flavors on a white background.

Key Ingredients 

Papaya. This tropical fruit has a soft texture and delicate and sweet flavor. If you’ve never eaten papaya before, choose one that has more yellow on its skin than green– this means it’s ripe. Slice lengthwise and scoop out the black seeds with a spoon. Then peel off the skin with a vegetable peeler, and dice up the fruit. The orange color of the fruit makes it rich in vitamin A, which is beneficial for eye health. It’s also a good source of fiber, vitamin C, and antioxidants!

Banana. The frozen banana is an important ingredient because it adds a creamy texture and makes the smoothie cold and thick. Choose a very ripe banana if you like your smoothie bowl to be sweet with a stronger banana flavor! Bananas are rich in potassium, vitamin B6, and fiber. Vitamin B6 is very important in metabolism and brain health, while potassium from foods can help lower high blood pressure levels!

Mango. The mango provides additional sweetness, color, and tropical flavor to the smoothie bowl. Choose a fully ripe mango by gently pressing on the outer skin and feeling for some give– it shouldn’t be rock hard! Mangos are an excellent source of vitamin C, which is beneficial for immune health. They also contain folate, an essential vitamin during pregnancy. 

Almond Butter. The almond butter adds a nutty richness to the smoothie bowl while providing some fat and protein. Almond butter can be beneficial for lowering cholesterol levels and is also a good source of iron! Choose a natural almond butter brand with limited ingredients and additives.

Almond Milk. This is the only liquid ingredient in the recipe, which means the amount you use will determine the thickness of the smoothie. It’s always best to start with less liquid and add more as needed. To maximize the health benefits of this recipe, choose an almond milk brand that has been fortified with calcium and has limited added sugars. 

How to Make A Tropical Smoothie Bowl

The only equipment you need to make this smoothie is a blender, a bowl, and a spoon! Grab your ingredients, and let’s get started. 

  1. First, add the fresh papaya, fresh mango, frozen banana, almond butter, and almond milk into a high-speed blender. Blend until smooth. 
  1. Transfer to a bowl and add your toppings. Ideas that work well with this recipe include fresh mango, berries, coconut flakes, chopped nuts, chia seeds, mint leaves, or granola.
  1. That’s it! Be sure to enjoy your smoothie bowl right away so it doesn’t melt. 

Recipe Tips

Try other tropical fruits. Don’t be afraid to mix it up! Most tropical fruits will work well for this recipe. If you don’t have easy access to papaya, try swapping it for pineapple, strawberries, or kiwi. 

Use a different type of milk. All out of almond milk? You can use any plant-based milk for this recipe. Soy milk is a nice choice that provides more protein than almond milk. If you are not vegan, regular cow’s milk works well here too. If you want to add more sweetness to the recipe, you can swap the milk for orange juice, though this will make it less creamy. 

Smoothie turn out too runny? Try drinking it instead! You have a few options if your smoothie bowl turns out too runny to eat with a spoon. The easiest is to skip the bowl and drink it like a regular smoothie! Omit the toppings if you go this route. If you have more time, you can try blending in more frozen fruit to thicken it up. 

Storing Leftovers

The best time to enjoy a smoothie bowl is right after you make it. If it sits out too long, it will start to melt, making it difficult to eat with a spoon. It’s also not best to store it in the fridge because it will eventually melt. 

When you know you can’t enjoy your smoothie bowl right away, storing it in the freezer is the best way to keep it fresh. Transfer the smoothie into an airtight container with no toppings (they’ll get soggy in the freezer). You can store it for up to three months in the freezer. 

When you’re ready to enjoy, remove it from the freezer and let it sit at room temperature for around 10 minutes. Once it’s barely defrosted and you can stir it up, it’s time to add your toppings and enjoy!

Frequently Asked Questions 

Can I use frozen papaya and mango?

This recipe calls for fresh papaya and mango, but these may not be in season or accessible year-round. You can absolutely use frozen papaya and mango, though you may need to add more almond milk (closer to one cup) to account for not having all the juices of the fresh fruit during the blending process. 

Why is my smoothie bowl too runny?

The main factor that will determine the texture of your smoothie bowl is the amount of liquid you use. Use too much liquid, and your smoothie will become runny. This makes it hard to eat from a bowl and won’t stand up to toppings on the surface. Start with less liquid than the recipe calls for, and add more as needed to reach your desired smoothie thickness. 

See also: Perfect Smoothie Ratios

Can I omit the almond butter?

You can omit the almond butter to make this recipe nut-free. However, this removes the healthy fat and plant-based protein from this recipe. You can remedy this by adding protein powder or swapping almond milk for plant-based milk containing protein (like soy milk). A small amount of avocado can also provide healthy fats while making the smoothie more creamy.  

Are smoothie bowls good for diabetes?

Smoothie bowls do contain natural fruit sugars, which can contribute to a blood sugar spike if you have diabetes. For a more favorable blood sugar response, try reducing the portion size of the smoothie bowl and pairing it with a side containing protein and fat, like scrambled eggs

Try These Other Tropical Fruit Recipes 

Looking for other ways to use up fresh mango and papaya? Try these recipes!

Tropical Smoothie Bowl with blueberries, mango, mint, and seeds.
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5 from 2 votes

Tropical Smoothie Bowl

This tropical smoothie bowl is tangy, sweet, and bright– it’s sure to add a smile to your day! The quick and easy recipe is vegan and gluten-free. Enjoy this mango and papaya smoothie bowl as a healthy breakfast or snack option.
Prep Time10 minutes
Total Time10 minutes
Course: Breakfast, Snack
Keyword: tropical smoothie
Servings: 1 bowl
Calories: 292kcal



  • 1 Banana frozen
  • 1/2 Mango fresh
  • 1/2 Papaya fresh
  • 1 tbsp Almond Butter
  • 2/3 cup Almond Milk

Suggested Toppings

  • Chia Seeds
  • Fresh Blueberries
  • Shredded Coconut
  • Mint Leaves
  • Fresh Mango
  • Mixed Nuts


  • Place the banana, mango, papaya, almond butter, and almond milk into a blender and blend until smooth. Add more liquid for a thinner smoothie or less liquid for a thicker smoothie
  • Transfer to a bowl and sprinkle on whatever toppings you like. Enjoy!


Calories: 292kcal | Carbohydrates: 47g | Protein: 6g | Fat: 12g | Saturated Fat: 1g | Polyunsaturated Fat: 3g | Monounsaturated Fat: 6g | Sodium: 231mg | Potassium: 820mg | Fiber: 8g | Sugar: 27g | Vitamin A: 1525IU | Vitamin C: 103mg | Calcium: 292mg | Iron: 1mg

Images by Lauren Caris Short.

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